Angel Card Reading for Week of 11/25/12 • The Empress


The week’s card is The Empress from the Angel Tarot Cards by Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine. It speaks of the inner potential – the Divinity within each of us, that which is hidden but is one with your authentic self, Source, the Universe, Nature. Carefully tended, nurtured and protected until now, the time is right to allow it to shine – whether a dream or goal or feeling – for the world to experience.

Archangel Gabriel is surrounded by Nature companions. The wolves represent guardians, teachers, pathfinders, gathering and assimilating knowledge. The bear speaks to inner knowing and truths, the importance of introspection. The cougar represents coming into ones own power, taking charge of ones life, responsibility, going forward. The stag/deer is a reminder to be gentle with oneself; stag also speaks to a journey and the importance of letting go of what is no longer needed. Butterflies represent transformation. The conifers speak to a sense of joy, protection and warmth. Spruce comes to mind, representative of healing, intuition and new realizations. The lower right corner reminds me of mushrooms, inner mysteries, wisdom beneath the surface. The Hebrew letter associated with The Empress is Daleth which is aligned with doorway, the passageway from within to without, as well as from without to within. The number 3 is indicative of creativity, results and achievement. The waterfall in the background, though small, is a powerful visual, pointing to the flow of life and allowing that which no longer serves you to wash away. This entire visual evokes a feeling of warmth, nurture and security – one can feel the comforting stillness of the deep forest with the faint sound of water falling in the background – it speaks also to the importance of kindness and compassion for ourselves as well as others.

Whether a dream, goal, feeling, a part of you that you may have been hesitant to show the world, Archangel Gabriel is standing by to help. The time is right.




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